Specifications for non-independent home

The information need for each rule that is used to calculate the points. This information is crucial for the correct definition of the inputs by the user.

The wws points are calculated based on a set of rules for which specific inputs should be added.Before adding the inputs, the following information needs to be read in order to apply the correct input to the api and get the correct calculation of the wws points.

1. Area

The rooms and the kitchen should belong exclusively to the non-independent living space. Surface area of ​​heated, communal living areas, including a kitchen/diner, of at least 15 m 2 per m

Inputs needed:

  1. area_of_rooms_m2

  2. other_surface_area_m2

  3. number_of_living_spaces

2. Heating options

Points are awarded for the m2 of the ​​heated room(s) and kitchen, belonging exclusively to the non-independent living space, in case of presence of central heating.

If there is a gas connection and also a chimney or flue gas discharge duct for gas heater(s), additional points are awarded, while in the presence of only a usable chimney no points are given.

Inputs needed:

  1. central_heating

  2. heated_rooms_m2

  3. gas_connection

  4. flue_gas_discharge_duct

  5. chimney

3. Cooking facilities

Points are awarded based on the type of the cooking facilities. The possible types are the following:

  • 1: A kitchen in a separate room, belonging exclusively to the non-independent living space that measures at least 25 m or

  • 2: A kitchen in a living room, belonging exclusively to the non-independent living space, that measures at least 25 m

  • 3: A kitchen in a living room, belonging exclusively to the non-independent living space, if this room measures less than 25 m2 but more than 15 m2

  • 4: A kitchen, belonging exclusively to the non-independent living space, but located in a communal room

  • 5: A communal kitchen, belonging to no more than 5 residential units

  • 6: A communal cooking facility belonging to more than 5 residential units

  • 7: A cooking facility that does not meet the requirements of a kitchen

Inputs needed:

  1. kitchen

4. Toilet

Points are awarded based on the type of the toilet. The possible types are the following:

  • 1: a toilet belonging exclusively to the non-self-contained living space

  • 2: a communal toilet belonging to no more than 5 residential units

  • 3: a communal toilet belonging to more than 5 residential units

  • 4: a toilet that can only be reached via the outside air

5. Washing facilities

Points are awarded based on the type of the sing and shower-bath. The possible types are the following:


  • 1: a shower or bath, belonging exclusively to the non-self-contained living space

  • 2: a communal shower or bath, belonging to no more than 8 residential units

  • 3: a communal shower or bath, belonging to more than 8 residential units


  • 1: a sink (or a countertop not counted as a kitchen) located within the non-self-contained living space or in a room belonging exclusively to the non-self-contained living space

  • 2: if a sink (not a sink (aanrecht) or sink in the toilet(fonteintje in toilet)) in a common, but lockable room, belonginga to no more than 5 residential units. Meaning that

    • This sink is not a kitchen sink (aanrecht)

    • This sink is not a small sink typically found in a toilet (fonteintje in toilet)

    • The sink is located in a shared space.

    • This shared space can be locked.

    • This shared space and sink belong to (or are shared by) no more than 5 residential units.

  • 3: a sink belonging to more than 5 residential units

Inputs needed:

  1. shower_bath

  2. sink

6. Quality factors

Points are awarded or deducted based on the quality factors that exist or do not exist in the home. All the following inputs refers to things that should belong to the non-self-contained living space.

Inputs needed:

  1. thermostatic_control_knobs

  2. outdoor_space_m2

  3. outdoor_area_for_shared_use_m2

  4. bicycle_shed

  5. living_sleeping_area_m2

  6. through_others_room

  7. window_area_main_living_room

  8. lowest_window_frame_height_m

  9. facade_wall

  10. severe_nuisance

  11. living_room_floor_number

  12. elevator_existence

  13. hot_meal_preparation_allowed


If hot meals are allowed or not, to be prepared in the non-self-contained living space and in the communal areas.

7. National monument

Points are awarded if the non-self-contained living space consists of or is part of a national monument as referred to in Article 1.1 of the Heritage Act.

Inputs needed:

  1. monument

Last updated