Changelog of the deploy of the Energylabel API in format iteration (1.01) and (expected) release date (year, month and day).
1.10- 2024-12-11
Added a correction for the calculated yearly gas consumption "estimated_gas_usage", based on statistical averages of houses in the Netherlands.
1.09 - 2024-12-05
Added "current_estimated_BENG1_score" output. This output display the current estimated BENG1 score.
1.08 - 2024-09-16
EPOnline version update from V3 to V4.
1.07 - 2024-06-18
Added "measures_method" output. This output indicates the method used to determine the measures.
Fixed bug related to "build_year" and "living_room_windows" mismatch.
1.06 - 2024-02-02
Added "definitive_BENG2 score" output. This output display the definitve BENG2 score.
Implemented a data-driven approach by utilizing known information to enhance the accuracy of the estimated measures.
1.05 - 2023-12-15
Added "estimated_city_heating_usage" output. This output display the yearly heat consumption in GJ.
1.04 - 2023-12-05
Added "inhabitants" input
1.03 - 2023-10-09
Added current "CO2" output
Added "watt_panels" input to interpret "solar_panels" input as watt peak capacity solar panels. Example input: "solar_panels": 15000, "watt_panels": 0
1.02 - 2023-09-23
Added "ventilation" as input/output
1.01 - 2023-08-29
Added /bag endpoint for requesting sustainability advice based on BAG ID (VBO)
Last updated