Explanation of the different energylabel inputs and outputs
"target_label": "A"
Target energylabel for the property given as a minimum.
"energylabel_strict": 1
Restrict the potential suggested measures to the given energylabel target. F.e. if target budget allows A++ with target energy label A, with "energylabel_strict": 1 the suggested measures won't surpass energylabel A.
"fetch_definitive_label": 1
Activates a function to perform a live request on the EP-online service from RVO to fetch the definitive energylabel if available, which will be reflected in the output as "provided_label" : "definitive", "definitive_type" and "definitive_validity"
label": {"current": "A"}
Current estimated NTA 8800 energylabel with respect to the input based on housetype, buildyear, inner surface area and estimated or given measures
label": {"potential": "A++"}
Estimated potential new NTA 8800 energylabel based on given budget, search criteria and other search parameters, after executing said suggested measures
"provided_label": {"temporary": "G"}
Estimated energylabel provided by RVO based on the old NEN 7120 norm.
"provided_label": {"definitive": "A"}
Definitive energylabel from RVO's EP-online
"provided_label": {"definitive_type": "NEN7120"}
Norm on which the definitive energylabel is based
"provided_label": {"definitive_validity": "2029-9"}
Validity end date of the given definitive energylabel
"BENG2": {"current": "400"}
BENG 2 numerical score of the current estimated NTA 8800 score
"BENG2": {"potential": "110"}
BENG 2 numerical score of the potential estimated NTA 8800 score
Last updated