Last updated
Last updated
Two new 400 error responses have been added in the when the user does not provide the required parameters of a custom cost or an improvement cost.
"detail": "For a given custom cost make sure the parameter 'value' is provided."
"detail": "For a given improvement cost make sure all four parameters: 'material', 'work', 'saving_material' and 'saving _work' are provided."
Added BENG1 current and potential outputs in the .
Added "current_estimated_BENG1_score" output. This output display the current estimated BENG1 score in the .
Added a correction for the calculated yearly gas consumption, based on statistical averages of houses in the Netherlands. For the features "gas_usage" in the and "estimated_gas_usage" in the .
Updated to the newest model with improved accuracy.
New version of published.
Optimization and improvement of search algorithm of .
Image URLs of houses for sale added to .
Two new accepted house types in the . The input houseaddition also accepts both capital and low letters.
Updated to the newest model with significantly improved accuracy.
The "target_label" input has been removed from the criteria for applying additional measure information for .
Added the "renovation_year" input in the documentation.
Removed the "source" input from the .
v2 is about 3x faster than v1, offering significantly improved response times.
v2 has a slightly different data structure compared to v1.
Data Retrieval:
v2 data is retrieved from BAG in Mongo.
v1 data is retrieved from Elastic Search.
Removed the time_for_sale as input and output from the Interactive Reference API. Also, if you use one or more from the strict inputs, the API might return less than 3 reference houses.
Added a new Sustainability flow in the Platform.
Changes implemented in the Sustainability API:
User value for solar panel input is now correctly included in the calculation of the results per measure.
The calculation of the generated electricity from PV panels in the results per measure has been adjusted.
A bug in the calculation of the gas costs has been resolved.
HRe/CHP boiler has been removed as an option for installation measure.
New and Improved analytics page (Platform page).
Added Solarscan API: Users can access the Solarscan API from the platform usage page.
Added Rebuild API: Users can also access the Rebuild API from the platform.
Added RentalReference API: Users can now access the RentalReference API from the platform.
The adjusted value for gas consumption now also applies to the output 'Result per Measure' in the case of a hybrid heat pump.
Fixed bug in handling custom input WP solar panels causing incorrect results.
Adjusted the calculation factor to calculate energy output of solar panels on BENG2. Lowered from 4.756 to 4.21 to better match local solar input/m2.
Updated AVM+ API to the newest model with improved accuracy.
May - 2024
April - 2024
March - 2024
February - 2024
January - 2024
December - 2023
November - 2023
Platform additions with new onboarding flow for users, new onboarding questions to know customers' intent and modification of the API page to fit current design.
Oktober - 2023
September - 2023
Deploy of new Energy insights API to retrieve insights of energy label change in terms of sale duration, price difference of asking price v.s. transaction price.
Augustus - 2023
A new market status feature was added to the output.
Sandbox fixes to V1 and V2.
Added "points" output per measure in . These points are being used to calculate the "comfortscore". See page.
Updated to the newest model with more stable predictions.
Added Outer Surface Area as input to .
EPOnline version update from V3 to V4 for , en .
Updated to the newest model with improved accuracy.
Free added to the Platform.
Improvements made to the in het Platform.
Updated to the newest model with improved accuracy.
Updated to the newest model with improved accuracy.
Changes in "exclude_measure" input of . Values [1001, 1002, 2001, 2002] are now available, value [8009] is removed.
In the calculation of the current measures has been updated to incorporate additional measure information for better accuracy.
Launch of the , which relates το the rental price of a property.
Added : Users can now access the autosuggest API from the platform usage page.
The has been updated with an increased coverage in the AveragePricePerSquareMeter and in AverageTransactionPrice features.
Fixed bug in the calculation of the "parcel_value" and increased its coverage .
Added three new inputs for improved search of references in the .
Fixed a bug in the where correction for gas consumption based on delivered value was not applied in the case of a hybrid heat pump.
Launch of 2.0, including redesign of the dashboard.
Launched Alpha version 4 of the with a 20.3% improvement in accuracy for valuations with a <10% margin of error.
Added "measures_method" output in . This output indicates the method used to determine the measures. Fixed bug related to "build_year" and "living_room_windows" mismatch.
Bugs resolved with input gas and impact on hybrid heat pump calculationd and the calculation of solar panel watt peak input in .
Fixed bug occurring when outersurfacearea feature was missing in the .
Added context on the operating assumptions of heat pumps to .
Fixed several inconsistencies.
Removed the features: 'natural_system_sub_class_copy', 'agricultural_area_copy' from the output of .
Added two new outputs in the , “parcel_value” and “building_value”. “parcel_value” is the ground price based on the “outer_surface_area” and “building_value” is the “woz_value” minus the “parcel_value”.
Changed the names of the output features in the “Output Interpretation” page of the .
Added two new inputs in the for higher client interaction with the product.
Fixed a bug in the preprocessing of the 'Volume' feature of the target house, on the .
New optional parameter “replace_windowframes” - used to add extra improvement costs per glass related codes 50002, 50003, 50103, 50203 when replacing glass and window frames. The costs can be seen in the PDF at in the . Activate with "replace_windowframes" : 1.
Launch beta - discover the maximum capacity and yield of solar panels per surface area or the ideal location for a chosen number of panels.
Fixed issue with occasional inconsistent results caused by inconsistent processing of the new cost table in the .
Addition of correction for reconstruction value on number of solar panels and type of energy label in the .
Added “definitive_BENG2 score” output. This output display the definitive BENG2 score .
Implemented a data-driven approach by utilizing known information to enhance the accuracy of the estimated measures .
Made actions for giving a better output for the housetype feature in .
Fixed the “valuation_date” feature to always have as default value: today, in and .
Added two extra outputs to , the price_per_sqm2 and the collection_date per reference object.
Upgrade the . Make it more interactive and added a weight system.
Added “protected_cityviews” and “protected_cityview_names” features to the output of the .
Added one more 400 Bad Request as response on the output of the .
The costs of the measures have been variable since January 1, 2024 according to the .
Launch of the and .
Added climate data in the output of the .
Added “floor_surface”, “flat_roof_surface”, “pitched_roof_surface”, “wall_surface”, “glass_living_room_surface”, “glass_bedrooms_surface” outputs to the .
New cost table for improving measures will become active on January 1, 2024, but can now also be included with every request in the .
The has been launched for paid users to request the latest status of consumed API credits free of charge.
Number of inhabitants is added as an input to the .
Platform updated with new sign up flow and updates to the .
Added “city_heating” usage current and potential outputs. These outputs display the yearly heat consumption in GJ to the .
Added “estimated_city_heating_usage” output. This output display the yearly heat consumption in GJ to the .
Addition of unlimited subscriptions for Sustainability API and Energylabel API to the .
Results for now show electricity savings per measure next to gas savings as “electricity_savings”.
A new endpoint for the is available, a faster, more accurate and better coverage market value calculation for residential properties.
A new endpoint for a combination of location data, amenities and BAG is available in the , the current Location, Amenities and BAG API will deprecate per 1st of February 2024.
Fixed an issue with “custom_costs” not being processed properly in the .
Taxes added to the output of the .
Added option to input current Watt-peak output of solar panels instead of total number of solar panels in m2 to the and .
Added current CO2 to the output of the.
Total wall size and shared wall size in m2 added to output of the .
Ecovalue market value increase is added to output of the .
dashboard is optimized with an improved overview of the subscriptions.
Unlimited usage subscriptions are added to the for the AVM API and Interactive Reference API.
Added new pricing plans to the .
All product usage pages redesigned.
added to the output of the AVM product in the Platform.
customers can now use their previous payment method when creating or updating their plan.
Request current estimated Energy label with BAG ID in the .
Influence of energylabel on marketability of a property now available with the (beta).
Addition of Ventilation as measure to the input and output of the .
Coverage of house-types has increased to serve more houses with sustainability advice in the .
Request sustainability advice with a BAG ID in the .
Request energylabels & climate data with a BAG ID in the .
Fix of house number additions in the .
Adding improved logic for estimating current measures in the .
Adding GeoJSON polygons to the output of the .
added a weekly analytics e-mail and management of e-mails in Account settings.
Update of PDF output of the in the Platform.
An overview of all API updates, new product additions and -changes.