Input explanation for version 01-07-2024

This page is about the input features for the endpoints that are for the version 01-07-2024. A full explanation of the features is covered, and also the structure of the input and the blocks in it.


This page describes the JSON structure required for submitting property details to the API. Each section of the JSON corresponds to different aspects of a property, including rooms, kitchen features, parking, sanitary facilities, and more.

A. Independent living spaces

General Property Attributes

  • house_type: Type of the house.

  • build_year: Year the building was constructed.

  • energy_label: NTA 8800 energy label (issued after January 1, 2021) or NEN 7120 energy label (issued before January 1, 2021).

  • energy_index_existence: Indicates if an energy index is available. If this value is True, then the energy index will be used for the calculation of the points and the user must input a valid energy index.

  • energy_index: Numerical value representing the energy efficiency.

  • energy_performance_compensation: Check the definition here in order to decide if this value should be true or false.

  • energy_valuation_date: Date of determination of the energy label in "ddmmyyyy" format.

  • energy_label_type : The type of the energy label. If it is 'NTA 8800' OR 'NEN 7120'

  • disability_costs: Costs associated with disability accommodations.

  • disabled_people: Number of disabled individuals living in the living space.

  • monument: Specifies if the building is a national or provincial or municipal monument, or not a monument at all.

  • doorbell: Indicates if there is a doorbell that fulfills the requirements.

  • woz_value: Valuation according to the WOZ (Waardering Onroerende Zaken).

  • woz_valuation_year: Year of the WOZ valuation.

  • usable_surface_area: Total usable surface area in square meters.

  • corop_area_amsterdam_or_utrecth: Indicates if the property is located in Amsterdam or Utrecht COROP areas.

  • care_home: Indicates if the building is used as a care home.


1. 'rooms' block


The rooms block is structured to detail each room within the property which is not a kitchen or a sanitary room.

Inside features

  • type_of_room: Distinguishes between two types: 'room' and 'other'. Check the requirements for each category here.

  • attic_without_fixed_staircase: If the inputted room (classified with type 'other') is an attic, then if it has not a fixed staircase, this feature should be true, otherwise it should be false.

  • surface_area: Specifies the inner surface area of the room in square meters.

  • shared_addresses: Indicates how many addresses have access and right of use to the room.

  • heated: Specifies whether the room includes heating.

  • cooled: Specifies whether the room includes air conditioning or cooling systems.

If only your address have access and right of use to the room then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many rooms as necessary in the 'rooms' block, each with its detailed specifications.

Example structure of 3 rooms in the 'rooms' block, in the input:

"rooms": [
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "attic_without_fixed_staircase": false,
      "surface_area": 10.0,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "attic_without_fixed_staircase": false,
      "surface_area": 10.0,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true
      "type_of_room": "other",
      "attic_without_fixed_staircase": false,
      "surface_area": 10.0,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": false

2. 'kitchen' block


The kitchen block captures detailed configurations and features of kitchen setups within the property. This includes specifying the type and functionality of the kitchen, along with a list of appliances and features that define the kitchen's capabilities and appeal.

Inside features

  • type_of_room: Indicates whether the kitchen is categorized as 'room' or 'other' based on this requirements.

  • open_kitchen: This feature should be true, if the kitchen is in an open space connected with another room and it is not a standalone room. Check all the requirements of an open kitchen here.

  • surface_area: Specifies the inner surface area of the kitchen in square meters.

  • countertop_length: Measures the length of the kitchen's countertops.

  • shared_addresses: Number of addresses that have access and right of use to the kitchen.

  • heated: Indicates whether the kitchen space is equipped with heating.

  • cooled: Indicates whether the kitchen space is equipped with cooling systems.

  • kitchen_features: A comprehensive list of kitchen appliances and features, including:

    • extractor_system

    • induction_hob

    • ceramic_hob

    • gas_hob

    • refrigerator

    • freezer

    • oven_electric

    • oven_gas

    • microwave

    • dishwasher

    • extra_cupboard_space_per_60cm

    • one_hand_mixer_tap

    • one_hand_mixer_tap_with_boiling_function

    • thermostatic_mixer_tap

    • thermostatic_mixer_tap_with_boiling_function

If only your address have access and right of use to the kitchen then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many kitchens in the 'kitchen' block as necessary, each with its detailed specifications. This is useful for properties with multiple kitchens.

Example structure of 3 kitchens in the 'kitchen' block, in the input:

"kitchen": [
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "open_kitchen": false,
      "surface_area": 10,
      "countertop_length": 2.5,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true,
      "kitchen_features": {
        "extractor_system": 1,
        "induction_hob": 1,
        "ceramic_hob": 1,
        "gas_hob": 1,
        "refrigerator": 1,
        "freezer": 1,
        "oven_electric": 1,
        "oven_gas": 1,
        "microwave": 1,
        "dishwasher": 1,
        "extra_cupboard_space_per_60cm": 1,
        "one_hand_mixer_tap": 1,
        "one_hand_mixer_tap_with_boiling_function": 1,
				"thermostatic_mixer_tap": 1, 
        "thermostatic_mixer_tap_with_boiling_function": 1
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "open_kitchen": false,
      "surface_area": 10,
      "countertop_length": 1.5,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true,
      "kitchen_features": {
        "ceramic_hob": 2,
        "freezer": 1,
        "extra_cupboard_space_per_60cm": 2
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "open_kitchen": true,
      "surface_area": 10,
      "countertop_length": 0.5,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true,
      "kitchen_features": {
        "oven_electric": 2,
        "dishwasher": 1,
        "one_hand_mixer_tap_with_boiling_function": 2

3. 'sanitary' block


The sanitary block is designed to capture detailed information about the sanitary installations within the property, focusing on bathrooms, shower rooms and similar facilities.

Inside features

  • type_of_room: Indicates whether the sanitary is categorized as 'room' or 'other' based on this requirements.

  • surface_area: Specifies the inner surface area of the sanitary in square meters.

  • heated: Whether the space is equipped with heating.

  • cooled: Whether the space includes cooling facilities.

  • shower_facility: Describes the type of shower facilities available, choosing between 'bath', 'shower' or 'shower/bath'.

  • toilet: Specifies the number of toilets within the sanitary space.

  • wall_hung_toilet: Specifies the number of wall hung toilets within the sanitary space. For example, if there is only one toilet and it is wall hunged then this feature should be 1 and the toilet feature should be 0.

  • shared_addresses: How many addresses have access and right of use to the sanitary space.

  • sanitary_features: Detailed attributes of sanitary fittings and utilities including:

    • washbasin: Number of washbasins.

    • multi_person_washbasin: Number of multi-person washbasins.

    • cupboard_space: Indicates if additional storage is available.

    • power_outlet: Number of available power outlets.

    • build_in_cupboard: Number of built-in cupboard.

    • complete_separation_of_shower: Number of showers that are completely separable from the bath.

    • bath_with_bubble_function: Number of baths with bubble function.

    • one_hand_mixer_tap: Number of mixer taps that can be operated with one hand.

    • thermostatic_mixer_tap: Number of thermostatic mixer taps that maintain a constant temperature.

    • towel_radiator: Number of towel radiators.

If only your address have access and right of use to the sanirtary then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many sanitary facilities in the 'sanitary' block as necessary, each with its detailed specifications. This is useful for properties with multiple sanitary facilities.

Example structure of 2 sanitary facilities in the 'sanitary' block, in the input:

  "sanitary": [
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "surface_area": 10,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true,
      "shower_facility": "shower/bath",
      "toilet": 2,
      "wall_hung_toilet": 1,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "sanitary_features": {
        "washbasin": 1,
        "multi_person_washbasin": 2,
        "cupboard_space": true,
        "power_outlet": 3,
        "build_in_cupboard": 1,
        "complete_separation_of_shower": 2,
        "bath_with_bubble_function": 0,
        "one_hand_mixer_tap": 0,
        "thermostatic_mixer_tap": 0,
        "towel_radiator": 0
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "surface_area": 10,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": true,
      "shower_facility": "shower/bath",
      "wall_hung_toilet": 2,
      "shared_addresses": 2,
      "sanitary_features": {
        "washbasin": 4,
        "power_outlet": 9,
        "bath_with_bubble_function": 1,
        "one_hand_mixer_tap": 1

4. 'toilet' block


The toilet block provides detailed information regarding the toilet facilities separately, focusing on specific attributes that define the usability and standards of toilet installations within the property.

Inside features

  • type_of_room: Indicates whether the toilet room is categorized as 'room' or 'other' based on this requirements.

  • surface_area: The inner surface area of the toilet room in square meters.

  • heated: Indicates if there is heating in the toilet room.

  • cooled: Indicates if cooling systems are installed in the toilet room.

  • wall_hung_toilet: A boolean marking whether the toilet is wall-mounted.

  • washbasin: The number of washbasins available.

  • shared_addresses: Indicates how many units or apartments share this toilet facility.

If only your address have access and right of use to the sanirtary then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many toilet rooms in the 'toilet' block as necessary, each with its detailed specifications. This is useful for properties with multiple toilet rooms.

Example structure of 1 toilet room in the 'toilet' block, in the input:

 "toilet": [
      "type_of_room": "room",
      "surface_area": 35,
      "heated": true,
      "cooled": false,
      "wall_hung_toilet": 1,
      "washbasin": 2,
      "shared_spaces": 1,
      "shared_addresses": 1

5. 'outdoor' block


The outdoor block is designed to capture detailed information about outdoor spaces associated with the property. These spaces can include gardens, patios, balconies, or other open areas that are part of the property's layout.

Inside features

  • surface_area: The total area of the outdoor space in square meters.

  • shared_addresses: Indicates the number of addresses that have access and right of use of the specific outdoor space.

If only your address have access and right of use to the outdoor space then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many outdoor spaces rooms in the 'outdoor' block as necessary, each with its detailed specifications. This is useful for properties with multiple outdoor spaces.

Example structure of 1 outdoor space in the 'outdoor' block, in the input:

 "outdoor": [
      "surface_area": 50.0,
      "shared_addresses": 1

6. 'parking' block


The parking block is designed to capture key information about parking facilities available at the property

Structure and Functionality

  • parking_type: Identifies the type of parking provided.

  • shared_addresses: Indicates the number of different addresses that have access and right of use.

  • charging_station: A boolean value indicating whether the parking facility includes a charging station. The charging station must be for exclusive use by residents and intended for the electrical charging of a motorised vehicle, other than a moped, bicycle with pedal assistance or disabled vehicle.

If only your address have access and right of use to the parking space then the 'shared_addresses' feature should be given the value 1.

Flexibility: Users can add as many parking spaces rooms in the 'parking' block as necessary, each with its detailed specifications. This is useful for properties with multiple parking spaces.

Example structure of 1 parking space in the 'outdoor' block, in the input:

"parking": [
      "parking_type": 2,
      "shared_addresses": 1,
      "charging_station": true

B. Non-independent living spaces

General Property Attributes

  • build_year: Year the building was constructed.

  • energy_label: A valid energy label of the property

  • energy_index_existence: Indicates if an energy index is available. If this value is True, then the energy index will be used for the calculation of the points and the user must input a valid energy index..

  • energy_index: Numerical value representing the energy efficiency.

  • disability_costs: Costs associated with disability accommodations.

  • disabled_people: Number of disabled individuals living in the living space.

  • monument: Specifies if the building is a national or provincial or municipal monument, or not a monument at all.

  • doorbell: Indicates if there is a doorbell that fulfills the requirements.

  • glass_surface_living_room: If the glass surface in the (main) living room is less than 0.75 m2, then this feature should be true.

  • lowest_window_frame_living_room: If the lowest window frame of the (main) living room is more than 1.60 m above the floor, then this feature should be true.

  • accessibility_via_landlord: If the landlord of the non-independent residential unit has his main residence in the home of which the non-independent residential unit is part and the non-independent residential unit or the sanitary facilities to which the tenant has access and right of use can only be reached via a living room or bedroom of the landlord, then this feature should be true.

  • woz_value: Valuation according to the WOZ (Waardering Onroerende Zaken).

  • woz_valuation_year: Year of the WOZ valuation.

  • usable_surface_area: Total usable surface area in square meters.

  • corop_region: Specifies the corop region that the property belongs to..

  • care_home: Indicates if the building is used as a care home.


The blocks and their features are the same with the independent living spaces with the exception that in all blocks there is one more feature called 'shared_spaces'.

Last updated