Output interpretation
An explanation and interpretation of every feature outputted in the API response.
Solar API Output
Feature | Example | Explanation |
postcode | 2771DS | Zipcode |
housenumber | 87 | House number |
houseaddition | A3 | Addition to house number |
total_panel_capacity | 4 | The total number of solar panels that the simulation determined could fit on the specified rooftop. |
output.index | 1 | Unique identifier for each simulation result within the output array |
output.orientation | NW | The orientation of the solar panels in this simulation result |
output.area | 69.4 | The total area covered by solar panels in square meters for this simulation result. |
output.image_url | https://altum-ai.s3.amazonaws.com/panel_20240312-185650-9db5b409-1ad5-43ae-a5bc-86d17075da80.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAY5UV7ISWPAGUXLWJ&Signature=mlY6yxMddBbqXQbG4%2B9Z2smqJKk%3D&Expires=1710269870 | URL to an image that visually represents the solar panel layout for this simulation outcome |
output.geo_data.type | Feature Collection | Indicating this object contains multiple geographical features. |
output.geo_data.features.id | 1 | Unique identifier |
output.geo_data.features.type | Feature | Type of Feature |
output.geo_data.features.properties.id | 3 | Unique Identifier |
output.geo_data.features.properties.roof_geom | "01060000A040710000010000000103000080010000000F0000004A0C022B91A2F940E17A142E61AF1B41BC7493180456FC3FD7A3703DA4A2F9406891ED7C60AF1B410456... | Representation of the rooftop geometry in WKT (Well-Known Text). |
output.geo_data.features.properties.azimuth | 276.8903 | The compass direction that the solar panels face, measured in degrees from true north. |
output.geo_data.features.properties.pitch | 24.806 | The angle of inclination of the solar panels or the roof surface from the horizontal. |
output.geo_data.features.properties.panel_count | 3 | The number of solar panels suggested for this part of the roof, based on the simulation. |
output.geo_data.features.properties.panel_grid | 01060000A0407100000400000001030000800100000005000000C0580AE3A8A2F940C91FCCED6BAF1B4112ED37888E6D0240E8.... | Representation of how solar panels could be arranged on the rooftop. |
output.geo_data.features.geometry.type | MultiPolygon | Reflecting the geographical shape this feature represents. This could be "Point", "LineString", "Polygon", "MultiPoint", "MultiLineString", or "MultiPolygon" |
output.geo_data.features.geometry.coordinates | [ 105002.55542978924, 453594.9822239844, 2.303494514662483 ] | Coordinates specifying the geographical shape and location of the feature |
output.geo_data.features.geometry.crs | urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::28992 | Specifies the coordinate system and projection information used for the geographical data. |
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