Search criteria
To optimize the sustainability advice the API is able to process a search criteria function next to target energylabel.
Search criteria - "search_criteria"
The search criteria used for the sustainability advice. The different criteria can yield different results.
Syntax: 'search_criteria'
Required: No
Values: Integer, 0 to 4
Default: 2
0 = lowest investment costs
1 = lowest annual energy costs
2 = highest financial return
3 = highest BARe (the ratio between the annual savings in energy costs and the total investment)
4 = lowest BENG2 score (best possible energylabel)
User input-based result selection
The final result is based on the user-defined criterion, along with any set restrictions, such as maximum investment or target energy label.
Max investment: Filters results where the total investment required is below the set limit.
Target label: Filters results where the energy label meets or exceeds the target value.
Strict target label: If "energylabel_strict": 1, only results exactly matching the target label are returned.
Criterion-based selection: After filtering, the criterion determines the final result.
Criteria options:
0: Lowest investment cost - Result with the lowest total investment required. This results in measures which will generate just enough BENG2 improvements to meet the energylabel target.
1: Lowest annual energy cost - Result with the lowest annual energy expenses focusing on measures which reduce the monthly energy bill the most.
2: Highest financial return - Returns the result with the highest financial benefit within the energylabel range.
3: Highest BARe - Property with the highest BARe value which is the best ratio between energy costs and total investments.
4: Lowest BENG2 - Property with the lowest BENG2 score, indicating the best energy performance.
Last updated