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Altum AI API documentation

Documentation for integration and explanation of the API's of Altum AI.

Start building today

Start building your own custom tooling, website and customer journey with the API's of Altum AI accessing the proprietary automated model valuation, sustainability advice, Kadaster transactions and much more data.

Integrating the API's is an easy process with our clear documentation and sample code in JSON.

Sustainability API

Generate sustainability advice

Estimate current and potential NTA 8800 energylabel


Market valuations of residential properties.

Extract object data such as house type and surfaces


Fetch the latest WOZ value from the WOZwaardeloket

The WOZ API can search based on address or the BAG ID

Interactive reference API

Find relevant recent transactions to support the valuation

As an appraiser, use extensive configurable features to find up to 30 comparable sales

Kadaster transaction API

Retrieve the transaction details such as price from Kadaster

PING freely for availability of the transaction

Condition score API

Estimate condition score of bathrooms and kitchens

Get an unbiased score ranging from 1 to 5

Find all available API's in the sidebar on the left

Last updated