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For apartments, we do not yet have enough data to accurately estimate the floor and type of apartment. These two characteristics are important for estimating the required sustainability measures, investments and savings. If the home type is an apartment, the API output provides a message why there is no data for the home in question.
The Sustainability API searches for the most optimal package of measures to reach the target label or higher, depending on the context and provided input variables. If an object already reaches an energy label higher than A, we are currently not able to determine the Ecovalue.
The Ecovalue is a delta model based on the of Altum AI. It determines the home value increase after sustainability measures are applied and an energy label increase is realized. The Ecovalue takes local differences, variables and the availabilitu of relevant transactions into account and is therefore less reliable in the following situations:
Objects valued below € 100.000 or above € 700.000
Areas with a low amount of transactions such as the province of Limburg
The NTA 8800 norm uses model homes for its calculations. These model homes are based on house-types, building year and inner surface area. In the following cases, the estimations can differ from the actual situation:
The object is not representative for the subtype (f.e. a 'terraced house' which has 200 m2 inner surface area)
Sustainability measures have been taken and these are not given as input to the API
When the construction of the object is before 1930 and/or a monumental building
When the source data from the Land Registry is not up-to-date with the actual situation and it is not given as input to the API
In our database, we have the provisional energy rating for each home in the Netherlands based on home properties such as home type and year of construction. We also have a definitive (deregistered) energy label for some homes. For these houses, however, we cannot yet see which sustainability measures have already been taken, and the Ecovalue may be less accurate. The NTA 8800 calculates energy labels per model home. Altum AI inputs house features to retrieve the model home. In the case a definitive energy label is present, the energy performance index change (energy label) will be relative to the current definitive energy label according to the index below.
More information on Energylabels and -indexes by RVO:
smaller than 1.20
between 1.21 and 1.40
between 1.41 and 1.80
between 1.81 and 2.10
between 2.11 and 2.40
between 2.41 and 2.70
over 2.70
Inner surface range (upper and lower boundaries are used if exceeded)
Terraced and corner house
87 - 186,5 m2
91 - 195 m2
77 - 165 m2
Appartment - one storey
41,3 and 88,5 m2
Appartment - multy storey
61,6 and 132 m2
Unfortunately, it is not possible to (accurately) calculate the sustainability measures for all homes in the Netherlands. Below you will find the segments to which this applies, plus an explanation.