
1.05 - 10-6-2024

  • New inputs:

    • weight_innersurfacearea (0-1)

    • weight_recency (0-1)

    • weight_distance (0-1)

1.03 - 28-5-2024

  • New inputs:

    • furnished_target (0, 1)

    • garden_target (0, 1)

  • Two new 400 requests when the inputs above are not given, and you want to get reference houses with the same garden and furnished with the target.

1.02 - 5-3-2024

  • Upgrade the inputs & outputs of the API. Make it more interactive and added a weight system.

1.01 - 5-2-2024

  • Added two new outputs per reference object, the price_per_sqm2 and the collection_date.

Last updated