Plaats objectgegevens om een nauwkeurige geautomatiseerde modelwaardering te ontvangen
Met dit eindpunt kunt u antwoord ontvangen van het Altum AI Woningwaarde+ model.
401: Unauthorized Geen toegang 403: Forbidden Verboden 429: Too Many Requests API key limiet overschreden 500: Internal Server Error Service is niet beschikbaar en/of offline 422: Unprocessable Entity Verkeerde invoer 200: OK Succesvolle reactie 400: Bad Request Mislukte reactie
Copy {
'Output': 'Please use or visit to make your request.'
Copy {
"message": "Missing Authentication Token"
Copy {
"message": "Internal server error"
Copy {
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "string does not match regex \"^(?!1000|1001|1002|1003|1004|1005|1006|1007|1008|1009|1010)[1-9][0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}$\"",
"type": "value_error.str.regex",
"ctx": {
"pattern": "^(?!1000|1001|1002|1003|1004|1005|1006|1007|1008|1009|1010)[1-9][0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}$"
Copy {
"bagid": "0363010000735772",
"postcode": "1024CT",
"housenumber": "25",
"houseaddition": "",
"city": "Amsterdam",
"street": "Markengouw",
"housetype": "Portiekwoning",
"buildyear": "1967",
"innersurfacearea": "76",
"outersurfacearea": "3299",
"volume": "2211",
"energylabel": "D",
"longitude": "4.96144831561363",
"latitude": "52.39109040866619",
"valuationdate": "20231120",
"priceestimation": "278082",
"confidence": "90% Confidence Interval is 250273-305890."
Copy {
"Output": "The given house address not found in database, the combination of Post Code, House Number and House Addition does not exist."
'Unsupported evaluation date format, it should be YYYYMMDD.'
'The evaluation date range should be from {} and until {}.'
'Output': 'We are not able to provide prediction at the moment.'
'Output': 'The prediction is too low.'
Copy {
"postcode": "1024CT",
"housenumber": 25,
"houseaddition": "",
"valuation_date": "20230112"